Thursday, May 3, 2018


My faith in Christ is what keeps me going.

Sometimes life is hard and things don't go as planned. Sometimes it feels like I'm at the bottom of a dried up well! My faith in Jesus Christ keeps me hanging on. I KNOW I have a purpose. My existence is not an accident. I hold on to these beliefs to keep me grounded. 

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My faith reminds me what family means. My faith tells me who my family is. My faith in Christ kerps my head up and my feet moving. I am a child of the King HIMSELF, I am worthy, I am important, I am following God's directions and that is the ONLY path I want to take. 

Life could be easier. Life could be more fun. Life could be a lot different if I chose another path. But the HARD path, the road LESS traveled, where I hit my knees to pray,  this is the road I was made for.

I love my faith, and I love sharing it with you. Thanks for reading!

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