Tuesday, May 1, 2018

Garden Daze

These little babies LOVE their perch hubby made for them!

So, we are a little late, but the garden is coming together nicely! I can't wait to watch my little hens free ranging and eating bugs from the garden. 

On Friday we will have three new hens! They are grown up and already laying. My coparent brought to my attention someone who was GIVING AWAY their chickens!! I am so excited!

Tomorrow we'll put the seeds in the garden out back and also plant the shrubs in the front. I am so glad the ground is finally ready for seeds. My dad picked out all the seeds this year, what a giant help to me!

Sweet hubby working hard to build me a trash can trailer!

My husband and my dad have been working so hard on the homestead the past few weeks. We have had project after project and they lead the charge with no complaints (most of the time). What a wonderful blessing to have such hard working men in my life!

Y'all stay tuned for me going back to school, raising chickens, gardening, and whatever else decides to happen un the near future!

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